The Power of Reishi Mushroom
Reishi Mushroom
The Reishi mushroom is well known for its medicinal usage in the eastern world, such as China. It’s scientific name is Ling Zhi and has been used for over 2000 years by Chinese healers in the time of the Han dynasty and is more thought of as an “elixir of immortality.” It is even documented for its usage in the Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing, a Chinese book on agriculture and medicinal plants possibly written way back about 200 and 250 CE. There is also a possibility that this mushroom was first used up to 4000 years ago.
Health Benefits of Reishi Mushroom
This amazing mushroom improves our health in many ways such as boosting the immune system, helping cardiac function with heart disease and blood pressure, enhancing vital energy, improving memory and sleep, cognitive functions, helping with stress and has anti-aging effects. I must say that many people in society misunderstand the use of many of these mushrooms like Reishi by immediately assuming mushrooms gets you high. In some ways these mushrooms I talk about on my articles have been demonised because the medical system do not want you to benefit from natures medicine and rather put you on their own ‘magic’ pill. We must realise now that the current medical system is just a business that has no interest in keeping people healthy. If we were all healthy, they could not make money from us. They cannot make money from healthy people.
Immune-Boosting Power of Fungi
There is a cell wall component in most fungi known as the Beta-D-glucan and this is what boosts the immune system. It’s definitely something we all can use a little help with in this day and age as we are bombarded with chemicals in our water supply, food and air. This is why many are getting sick. These chemicals are not natural for our bodies. We must reflect on this matter.

Discover the Benefits of Reishi with Dr. John Richard's Book
I also recommend purchasing a book written by Dr. John Richards called the Reishi Mushroom Book Guide. Reading this book will help you understand the many benefits that Ling Zhi has to offer. My job is just to simply bring it to people’s awareness so they can experience the benefits for themselves because I question why the medical system does not advise their customers the important benefits of this mushroom?
A Powerful Ally for Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Healing
You will learn that Reishi helps with allergy relief, it’s use as a histamine regulator, the benefits for the lungs, and even helps us in a spiritual way, healing our hearts, showing our life lessons and connecting us to our true purpose in life. There are probably endless benefits with this mushroom and it really is one of my favourites and nature always has the best medicine. It can also help with the flu, stomach upset, fatigue, depression, stabilise blood sugar levels, help with insomnia, inhibit tumour growths, and works as an anti-inflammatory. I will point out though, if you are on any blood-thinning medications I would not take Reishi at all as it may increase bleeding time.
However, all these ailments that people suffer from really can be eliminated if you cut out certain things that we put in our bodies that cause the illness in the first place. We must stop and think about this now because people die because of what they put in their own bodies. Fizzy drinks, microwave meals, processed foods, and junk foods are full of chemicals with very little nutrients and in the long run will hurt us. This is one of the reasons why we have so many diseases in our society. There is a reason why pharmaceutical companies exist and that’s to make money when we are sick.
How to Incorporate Reishi into Your Daily Diet
Reishi does not have the best taste compared to other mushrooms as it is strong, but the health benefits are too good to miss. There are many ways to take Reishi and of course the most common is as a tea in powdered form. You can put it in smoothies, in soups or curries too. Many people do not eat these mushrooms cooked from fresh because it does have a strong taste, but you can if you wish. It’s the white textural part that is edible and not the yellow part. I purchase mine from Na’vi Organics, which is based in England and it comes in a powder dual extract form – extraction with water and alcohol. I put mine in quinoa or amaranth in the morning and eat it like a porridge with some baby or burro bananas, some raspberries and a little bit of grounded cinnamon. That is a potent breakfast full of nutrients and a great way to start your day. I also put some in a chickpea curry. This is just a few ideas so be creative.
Maximizing Reishi’s Benefits
Each extraction has its own benefits. The triterpenes (non-water soluble compounds) are best extracted in alcohol. The polysaccharides (the long branching chain of complex sugars) are best extracted from water. This is how you get those all important components. You can even learn how to grow them yourself and purchase a starter kit. If you are not growing it yourself it is best to buy these mushrooms from companies who have had them wildcrafted because it would have been in its natural environment. However, if not then at least buy them organic. Purchasing Reishi already dual extracted saves you the time but learning how to do this process yourself will help you to appreciate it more.
Purchase Reishi Mushroom
You can purchase Reishi mushroom here with a 10% discount. Just make sure you register first: